Jozua J. Jonker
Viewing: Nu Metro
Release Date: 4 December 2009
Directed By Dawid Bowers
Screenplay By Timothy Hyde Harris & Dawid Bowers
Viewing: Nu Metro
Release Date: 4 December 2009
Directed By Dawid Bowers
Screenplay By Timothy Hyde Harris & Dawid Bowers
Nicolas Cage (Dr. Tenma), Kristen Bell (Cora), Charlize Theron (Narrator), Bill Nighy (Dr. Elefun), Samuel L. Jackson (Zog) Freddie Highmore (Astro Boy), Donald Sutherland, (President Stone), Moises Arias (Zane), Nathan Lane (Ham Egg), (Eugene Levy Orrin) Ryan Stiles (Mr. Pistachio), Matt Lucas (Sparx), Madeline Carroll (Widget / Grace), Sterling Beaumon (Sludge)
Genre: Animation
Classification: 10MV
Running time: 93 Minutes

I was exited to see Astro Boy because since I discovered Magma and Anime a few years back I have become a huge fan. The Magma comic series "Tetsuwan Atomu" created by Osamu Tezuka in 1952 formed part of what dubbed him as the god of Manga. The creators of the 3d animation Maryann Garger (Producer), Dawid Bowers (Director), and Timothy Hyde Harris (Screenplay) did not stick to the original plot. This adaption might leave hardcore fans dissapointed, which seems to me was written mainly for westerners.

In a futuristic world where the earth is a rubble heap for discarded robots and humans live on a floating island, we find our hero as the flesh and blood son of Dr. Tenma (Nicolas Cage). Dr. Tenma is the head of the ministry of science and also responsible for the invention and technology behind robotics. Yes, in this world a humans every whim is served by friendly robots and if they no longer function as required they are plainly discarded. President Stone (Donald Sutherland) has asked the ministry of science to build a guardian robot to protect the floating utopia from immanent danger. During its test run Dr. Tenma is son killed when the red energy placed inside the guardian robot makes it goes besirk. At the lose of his, Dr. Tenma rebuilt his son as a robot boy with all his memories which he soon realizes cannot replace his son. Astro Boy is discarded with and finds himself amongst the surface folk.
This 3d-animation film is definitely friendly for children of all ages but aimed for the younger kids. The initial beginnings of a grim story is balanced by light moments and child like humor and innocence, creating a strong moral under current. The creators of this film steered away from clever anecdotes of adult humor and twists and plot turns that would help the kids keep up with their short attention spans today. Which is logical off course... The action sequences was done well and yet again a good balance between a lot and to little. The animation for me was great but not as good as its predecessor Kung-Fu panda. This said, one of the main characteristics in its visual style was efficiency, which carried over to the story, cutting it down to the bare essential but this I feel added to the energy with which the story was told.
Mom and dads will enjoy taking their kids to see this movie knowing that they too can experience some of the Japanese pop culture not worrying about what they are exposing their kids to. I also feel that the makers of this film set out to do what they intended. Don't leave it with me though, add your own comments and score.
It gets a successful 7 out of 10. See you at the movies.